Národní vítězové soutěže FameLab 2017 společně na jevišti během Mezinárodních ozvěn v PrazeZleva: Katarína Císarová, Julie Nováková (česká finalistka FameLab 2016), Roberto Narcisi, David Bidarra, Tereza Mašínová a Deirdre Robertson ©

Tomáš Belloň

3. listopad 2017, Clam-Gallasův Palác, Praha

Národní finalisté soutěže FameLab 2017 z České republiky, Portugalska, Švýcarska a Irska přivedstavili pražskému publiku svá soutěžní tříminutová vystoupení.

Celou akci opět moderoval skvělý britský vědec a popularizítor vědy Dr. Michael Londesborough.

Katarína Císarová – National Winner Switzerland, University of LausanneBorn in Slovakia, Katarina moved to Italy and later to Switzerland for her university studies, specialising in Bioinformatics, focussing on the bioinformatics analysis of next-generation sequencing data of patients suffering from rare degenerative eye diseases and rare forms of eye cancer. ©

Tomáš Belloň

David Bidarra – National Winner PortugalDavid is developing his Masters' Thesis in Oncology at the University of Porto, with the aim of searching for blood-circulating molecules that may help to predict the prognosis of patients with prostate cancer. ©

Tomáš Belloň

Tereza Mašínová - FameLab 2017 – National Winner Czech Republic, The Czech Academy of Sciences / Charles UniversityWhile proving to be an excellent tap-dancer, Tereza especially likes to spend time in nature. Being very interested in microorganisms, their relationship with one another and with their environment, the subject of Tereza´s PhD studies is naturally microbial ecology. ©

Tomáš Belloň

Deirdre Robertson –National Winner Ireland, Economic and Social Research Institute of Ireland and Trinity College DublinDeirdre is a psychologist who applies behavioural insights to policy and health. She believes in the power of scientific research and communication to inform policy and to make positive changes to people´s lives. Her research investigates how our minds affect our bodies. ©

Tomáš Belloň

Roberto Narcisi –National Winner Netherlands, Erasmus MCRoberto received his PhD in Biotechnology at the University of Genova, Italy whilst nurturing a passion for stem cell research. Following a secondment at the Stanford School of Medicine, Roberto is now a senior postdoc at the Orthopaedics department of the Erasmus MC. ©

Tomáš Belloň

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